Lift Systems
sleeper framer lift
EV Battery Marriage and Auto Secure
aircraft engine lift

Consists of:
- Lift support structure
- Inner lift frame
- Pneumatically actuated locating fixturing
- Pneumatic clamping system
- Electric hoist
- Safety and operation controls
- Front Floor Support Arms are pneumatically actuated into and out of build position in order to make room for the Floor to roll through the Framer on the dolly
- Fixture Locating Arms extend from inside the Sleeper as opposed from the outside, this allows for better access loading the Sub-Assemblies from the periphery of the fixture

- rpGatta's custom designed electric vehicle battery installation system is capable of semi-automatically lifting and fastening the heaviest modern batteries:
- System automatically conveys battery on a pallet into in lifting fixture and centers the battery
- An operator places bolts into the electric torque tools
- The heavy duty electric motor driven lift raises the battery to the under side of the vehicle and locates the battery and fasteners automatically
- Torque specifications are verified and sent to quality database on plant network
- Our decades of automated fastening experience yields robust and highly reliable fastening systems
- PLC Controls, HMI, and Safety Programmable Laser Scanners ensure maximum safety and equipment uptime

- rpGatta designed and built a horizontal lift assembly workstation for inspection and maintenance on the General Electric/Rolls-Royce F136 JSF Engine
horizontal stabilizer lifts
antenna testing lift

- rpGatta designed and built (8) portable fixtures
- Each fixture clamps the shaft of an aircraft horizontal stabilizer
- The operator presses buttons to lift and rotate the stabilizer to assist in the manual paint stripping and applying processes
- These fixtures are explosion-proof and rated for a Class II Division I environment
- The systems utilize pneumatic spring applied caliper disk brakes that disengage when the buttons are held and automatically brake when the buttons are released
- There are pneumatic limit switches strategically positioned such that when the moving clamp mechanism contacts them the brakes will instantly engage to prevent the stabilizer from ever contacting the ground

- rpGatta integrated a robotic lift for the testing of antennas